Say HI with loyalty program! Earn "B-Dollars" for shopping and redeem coupon!
Bannershop's loyalty program "B-Dollars" is here! Now just register, become a B-Dollars member and enter your B-Dollars membership email, get 1 B-Dollars for every HK$1 spent and redeem the coupon you want!
You have two ways to earn B-Dollars. First one, enter your registered member's email on the shopping basket page when shopping at the Bannershop online store. B-Dollars will be automatically credited to your B-Dollars Membership Rewards account after pickup day / delivery day and B-Dollars can be used after 2 days.
If you have not entered a member's email address, we will send a link with the B-Dollars to the email address of the ordering account on the pickup day / delivery day selected by the customer. Just click the link and follow the instructions to log in as your member or register as a new member within one month of receiving the link to earn the B-Dollars. B-Dollars can be used after 2 days when the link is sent.
Want to exchange coupons faster? Let me introduce you to how to quickly get enough B-Dollars and discounts that are only for B-Dollars members!
Extra offer: Promo Code That B-Dollars Members Exclusive
In order to thank users who become B-Dollars members, Bannershop will send exclusive promotion codes to B-Dollars members via email, including discounts on different products.
Take advantage of our savings method
Since Bannershop and B-Dollars accounts do not need to be binding, you can shop with different Bannershop accounts and pool your B-Dollars into a B-Dollars account. You can put the B-Dollars earned from the Bannershop consumption of individuals, companies, and even friends into the same B-Dollars account at the same time and enough B-Dollars can be obtained in a short time.
Take advantage of the limited time offer
Bannershop will launch various limited-time activities for B-Dollars members from time to time, such as getting double B-Dollars by purchasing designated products. As long as you grasp every opportunity to get double B-Dollars, you can exchange coupons faster.
The product of the Double B-Dollars campaign is different each time. Foamboard, stickers, banners, etc. may earn double B-Dollars. Want to improve the efficiency of earning B-Dollars? You must not miss the limited-time event launched by Bannershop!
Purchase discounted products
Bannershop will launch discounts on the eve of festivals and events and some products will have a more attractive price. B-Dollars members can not only buy products at preferential prices, but also earn B-Dollars at the same time!
If you want to make the most of the discounts provided by Bannershop, now you can enjoy free delivery service when you spend $1,500 or more at Bannershop, get your B-Dollars and save shipping costs!
If I have already been a Bannershop member, do I need to register as a B-Dollars Membership Rewards member again?
Yes. Bannershop online store & B-Dollars Membership Rewards are two independent systems. You need to register as a B-Dollars Membership Rewards member to earn B-Dollars and redeem rewards.
Do B-Dollars have an expiry date?
Yes. The expiry date of B-Dollars earned for each purchase is the last day of the month after 12 months. (For example: B-dollars acquired on November 1, 2022 will expire on November 30, 2023 expiry date)
Is the link of B-Dollars time-effective?
Yes, the link is valid for one month. If you haven't done anything for a month after receiving the link, B-Dollars will expire and cannot be claimed.
Can I earn B-Dollars on my previous order?
B-Dollars only applicable to order after the promotion are launched. If you are not registered as a member or have not entered a member's email address, we will send a link with the B-Dollars to the email address of the ordering account on pickup date selected by customer. Just click the link and follow the instructions to log in your member or registered new member within one month of receiving the link to earn the B-Dollars. B-Dollars can be used after 2 days when the link is sent.
*B-Dollars Membership Rewards excludes all products on